Also, contains the Gorilla Warfare Pack that includes three items to customize your loadout in Max Payne 3 - the Gorilla Mask Item gives you extra adrenaline for melee kills from behind, the Lucky Coin Item give you extra cash when looting bodies and the Booby Trap item makes your corpse booby trapped so that it explodes when looted by another player. 1. Unrar. 2. Install the updates. Previous updates are also required. 3. If you havn't already, copy over the "profiles" dir, found in the Crack dir to your DocumentsRockstar GamesSocial Club dir. (%USERPROFILE%DocumentsRockstar GamesSocial Club). 4. Copy over the cracked content, ie. the rest of the files, from the Crack dir to your installation dir. 5. Play the game offline. Make sure that all the games exe files are blocked from going online by using your system or third party firewall to prevent outgoing connections on every game exe file. Do this before starting the game. Going online and using your own profile might be possible, but it is at your own risk. 6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
Since leaving the NYPD and New York itself behind, Max has drifted from bad to worse. Double-crossed and a long way from home, Max is now trapped in a city full of violence and bloodshed, using his weapons and instincts in a desperate search for the truth and a way out. 1. Unrar. 2. Burn or mount the image. 3. Install the game. When it tries to get updates after install, abort. Then install the required game updates found in the CrackUpdates dir on DVD4 (Launcher, Social Club, MP3 main game). 4. Copy over the "profiles" dir, also found in the Crack dir on DVD4 to your DocumentsRockstar GamesSocial Club dir. (%USERPROFILE%DocumentsRockstar GamesSocial Club). 5. Copy over the cracked content, ie. the rest of the files, from the Crack dir on DVD4 to your installation dir. 6. Play the game offline. Make sure that all the games exe files are blocked from going online by using your system or third party firewall to prevent outgoing connections on every game exe file. Do this before starting the game. Going online and using your own profile might be possible, but it is at your own risk. 7. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
Crack Max Payne 3 Pc Offline Multiplayer